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``Listservers'' are software packages for the support of e-mail distribution lists. They also allow for storage, and automatic access, of files. Although originally developed for use on IBM's Bitnet, listserver software is now available for many systems. There are tens of thousands of listserver distribution lists. Generally messages will be automatically sent to all subscribers if addressed to a list called xxx-L at address xxx-L@node-name.domain. Subscription and unsubscription requests are dealt with automatically by addressing listserv@node-name.domain or, in other implementations, xxx-request@node-name.domain. For example, a one-line e-mail message consisting of the text subscribe xxx-L <your_name> results in your e-mail address being added to the distribution list automatically. To check on files stored at the listserver, the one-line message help or index sent to listserv@node-name.bitnet will get you started.
Sat Sep 10 12:52:44 MET DST 1994