Kleomenis Tsiganis

Ph. D. Student

Tel: +30 31 99 8141, Fax: +30 31 99 5384 ,

e-mail: tsiganis@astro.auth.gr

Research Interests

My research interests are in the field of Dynamics of Hamiltonian systems. In particular, my PhD project, for which I am currently working, is entitled,

"Transport in the phase space of Hamiltonian systems - Applications in Celestial Mechanics"

I am working on Hamiltonian flows, but also on are-preserving maps, away from the "resonance-overlap" regime. In this case,  the presence of large regions of ordered motion in the phase space, whose structure seems to posess fractal properties, favours the phenomenon of stickiness. This alters significantly the statistical properties of the transport process so that, instead
of normal diffusion, the process resembles a fractal random walk (Levy-like process). I am trying to modify the Fokker-Planck equation, and define appropriate diffusion coefficients, so that anomalous transport phenomenaare also taken into account.

The Hamiltonian systems I am mostly interested in are several variants of the restricted three-body problem, as well as more advanced models describing the motion of minor bodies in the Solar system. We follow the evolution of individual trajectories (fictitious asteroids) as well as distributions of particles, initially lying in several regions of the action-space subset covered by the asteroidal belt. In this way, we monitor the statistical properties of the belt, in an effort to explain its present structure, its depletion and, finally, strange phenomena recently seen, such as asteroids exhibiting stable chaos.

For any question or comments  e-mail me.

Last updated on June 30, 1999
by Menios