THE  ROYAL GOVERNMENT  OF ITALY represented by His
Excellency Baron Pompeo ALOISI, Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary in Turkey, of the one part; and
by His Excellency Dr. Tevfik RUSTU BEY, Minister for
Foreign Affairs, Deputy for Izmir, of the other part;
     Being desirous of maintaining and strengthening
still further the relation of sincere friendship which
happily exist between them, have decided to settle by a
direct agreement the dispute which has arisen between
Italy and Turkey concerning the sovereignty over the
islets situated between the Anatolian coast and the
island of Castellorizo and also over the island of kara-
Ada, and to delimit the territorial waters surrounding
the said islets, the ownership of which has given rise to
a dispute between them in consequence  of the
interpretation of the provision of the  Treaty of
Lausanne relevant thereto.
     The undersigned, having shown their full powers,
found in good and due form, have agreed upon the
following points:

Article 1
The Italian Government recognises the sovereignty of
Turkey over the following islets:

     Volo (Gatal-Ada), Ochendra(Uvendire), Fournachia
(Furnakya), Kato Volo (Katovolo), Prassoudi (Prasudi)
(soyth-east of Catovolo). The islets of Tchatallota,
Pighi, Nissi-Tis-Pighi, Agricelia reef, Proussecliss
(rock), Pano Makri, Kato Makri(including the rocks),
Marathi, Roccie Voutzaky (Rocci Vutchaki), Dacia (Dasya),
Nissi-Tis Dacia, Prassoudi (north of Dacia), Alimentarya
(Alimentaria), Caravola (Karavola).

Article 2
The islet of Kara-Ada, situated in the Bay of Bodrum,
shall likewise belong to Turkey.

Article 3

On the other  hand, the Turkish Government recognises
Italian sovereignty over the islets situated in the zone
delimited by a circle having for its centre the dome of
the Church of the town of Castellorizo and for its
radius the  distance between that centre  and Cape San
Stephano (windward side), namely: Psoradia, Polyphados,
St. George   (two islands included in the English map No
236: St. George being the  island to the south and
Agrielaia  the island to the north).
     Psomi (Strongylo, English map  236), Cutsumbora
(Koutsoumbas) (Rocks), Mavro Poinaki (Mavro Poinachi),
Mavro Poinis (Mavro Poini).
     In addition to these islets included in the above-
mentioned circle, the islets of St. George   (Rho)
Dragonera, Ross and Hypsili (Stronghyli) shall likewise
belong to Italy.

Article 4

It is clearly understood that all the islands and the
islets and rocks on both sides of the line of demarcation
of the waters laid down in the present Convention,
whether their names are mentioned therein or not, shall
belong to the State under whose sovereignty the  zone in
which the said islands and islets and rocks are situated
is placed.

Article 5

The High Contacting Parties have also agreed to delimit
the territorial waters as follows:

To the East:
     From a point situated halfway between Cape San
Stephano (windward side)
and Cape Gata;
     Thence in a straight line to a point situated
halfway between Psomi and Proussecliss (Proussecliss)
     From this point in a straight line to a point
situared halfway between Mavro-Points and Proussecliss;
     From this point in a straight line to a point
situared halfway between Niphtis Promontory and the
Proussecliss Rock;
     From this point in a straight line to a point
situated halfway between
the north-east coast of the island of Hypsili
(Stronghyli) and the south- west coast
of th island of Nissi-Tis Dacia;
     From  this point, in a straight line, to a point
three miles south of Tugh-Burnu.

To the South :
     From this latter point the line runs to a point
situated three miles south of the South Hypsili
promontory where  it joint the maritime frontier which is
not under discussion,

To the North :
     From this latter situated halfway Cape San Stephano
(windward side)
and Cape Gata the line of demarcation runs in a straight
line to a point situated
halfway between Cape San Stephano (windward side)and Cape
     From this point in a straight line to a point
situated halfway between the Cape of Limenari and the
Voutzaki rocks (Rocci Vutzaki);
     From this latter point to a  point situated halfway
between the Dragonera island and the Voutzaki rocks
(Rocci Vutchaki);
     From this latter point the line runs northwards to a
point situated halfway
between the north-east point of the St. George island
(Rho) and the nearest point
of the Anatolian coast north of that island;
     From this point to a point sistuated halfway between
Prassoudi and the south-west point of the St. George
island (Rho);
     From the latter point in a straignt line to a point
situated three miles south
of the island of Volo where it joins the  maritime
frontier which is not under    discussion.
     The line of demarcation described in the present
Article, which has been fixed island and islets on either
side of that line, joins in an easterly direction at a
point situated three miles south of the island of Volo,
the general maritime frontier which in not under
discussion between Turkey and Italy.

Article 6
     The names of the places mentioned have been taken
from the Italian map (624), the french map(5551) and the
English map (236).
     The High Contracting Parties agree that in case of
divergence between the text of the present Convention and
the maps annexed thereto, the text shall prevail

Article 7
     The present Convention shall be ratified and the
ratifacation shall  be exchanged at Rome as soon as
     It shall come into force fifteen days after the date
of the  exchange of ratifacation.

     In  faith where of the Plenipotentiaries of the High
Contracting Parties have signed the present Convention
and have thereto affixed their seals.

     Done in duplicate at Ankara, June 4, 1932.

(L. S.) ALOISI       (L. S.) T. RUSTU.


The other islands
     Le Delegue italien et les Delegues turcs, conforment
aux  dispositions des lettres echangees le 4 Janvier 1932
lors  de  la signature de la Convention portant  la  meme
date  et conclue entre l' Italie et la Turquie en vue  d'
etablir l' appartenance des iles, flots et rochers situes
entre  l'  ile  de Castelorizo et les cotes d'  Anatolie,
ainsi  que  l'  ile  de  Kara Ada et  de  proceder  a  la
delimination des eaux territoriales environnant les dites
lies,  flots et rochers, lettres en vertu desquelles  les
deux  Parties  s'  etaient engagees  a  proposer  a  leur
Gouvernement respectifis de proceder de suite au trace de
la  partie restante de la frontiere maritime italo-turque
ne  faisant  l'  objet  d' aucune contestation,  se  sont
reunis  a  cet effet au Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres
de la Republique Turque a Ankara le 28 decembre 1932.
     Etaient presents:
Pour le Gouvernement Italien:
Monsieur   le  Capitaine  de  Vaisseau  Roberto  Soldati,
Attache  Naval  et Aeronautique pres l' Ambassade  de  la
Majeste de Roi d' Italie en Turquie

Pour le Gouvernement Turc:
Saip Bey, Conseiller d' Ambassade, Chef de Section au 1er
Ertogrul Bey, Capitaine de Fregate,
Asim Bey, Commandant d' Etat Major,
Hayrettin Bey, Capitaine de Corvette.
      Avant de proceder au trace de la ligne frontiere le
delegue  italien  et les delegues turcs  sont  tombes  d'
accord,  afin  d'  eviter toute divergance  de  vues  qui
pourraient   surgir  dans  les  negotiations,   sur   les
principes  suivants, quant a la definition  de  la  ligne
      1.  La  ligne frontiere est tracees pour  fixer  l'
appartenance des territoires possedes par les deux  Etats
et non pour separer les eaux de la mer.
      2.  Toutefois  de  la  distance  minima  entre  les
territoires des deux Parties jusqu' a une distance de  12
milles (1 mille 1852 m) la ligne frontiere determinera la
souverainete des deux Pays sur les eaux de la mer. Il est
par consequent bien entendu que dans les Parties ou cette
distance  depasse 12 milles la ligne frontiere  ne  porte
aucun  prejudice  a la fixation de l'  etendue  des  eaux
territoriales des deux Pays.
      Apres quoi les deux Delegations d' un commun accord
ont   trace  sur  les  cartes  hydrographiques  anglaises
Nos.236, 872, 1546. La ligne frontiere qui passe par  les
points suivants:
     1. - 10 milles au sud de liflet de Volos,
      2.  -  a moitie distance entre la phare de Kumburnu
(Rhodes) et Pandian Point (Anatolia).

[Twenty  seven  (27)  additional sections  follow,  which
designate the line of demarcation]

  30. a moitie distance entre Kardak [Imia] (R.k.s.)et
Kato I. (Anatolie),

[Six (6) additional sections follow, which designate  the
line of demarcation

     36.-a moitie distance entre la pointe Est de Nero
I. (Gaidaro) et Kavo Plakes (Anatolie),
     37.-a moitie distance entre la pointe Nord de
(Gaidaro) et la pointe Sud de Theopori I. (Anatolie),
     La frontiere tracee ay moyen des 37 points ce-dessus
definis va se joindre a la limite ouest de la frontiere
de l'ile de  Castellorizo, frontiere qui a ete decrite
dans la Canvention du 4 janvier 1932.
     Enfin de l'extreme Est de la frontriere de
Castellorizo (point designe par le chiffre I romain) La
ligne a ete prolongee a travers le point II romain et
arrtee au point III romain.
     Les points II et III romain sont definis comme suit:
     Le point II romain est situe a IO milles au Sud de
Trugh Burnu. Le point III romain est situe a IO milles au
Sud de la pointe Sud de Khelidonia (carte anglaise  No
     L'orthographe des localites ci-dessus mentionnes a
ete empruntee aux cartes anglaises susenumerees.
     En cas de divergence entre  la present texte et les
cartes annexees c' est le texte qui fera foi.
          Roberto SOLDATI