
Harry Varvoglis and Basil Barbanis (Thessaloniki) we study numerically transport in model perturbed integrable Hamiltonians with three degrees of freedom. Main results: If by V(t) we denote the number of cells already visited by a trajectory up to time t and by x(t) the function log(ksi/ksi_0)/t, whose limit for t going to inf is the Lyapunov Characteristic Number (LCN), then
  • (a) V(t) shows a devil's-staircase behaviour and
  • (b) chi(t) shifts to a higher value just before the "jumps" of V(t).

    Asteroidal dynamics and the Kirkwood gaps

  • In collaboration with Harry Varvoglis (Thessaloniki) we apply the above ideas to the motion of asteroids near commensurabilities corresponding to Kirkwood gaps, in particular to the 2:1 gap.

    If you have any questions, comments or inquires on the N-body simulation of galaxies project sent e-mail to Dr. Christos Vozikis at chriss@astro.auth.gr