Galactic Dynamics

The N-body simulation of galaxies project.

Topics of current interest...

  • Stability of stellar disks (Vozikis & Dimitriadou) - Current study
  • Merging of galaxies and study of merger remnants (Athanassoula & Vozikis) - TMR Project
  • Galactic Interaction in 2-D and 3-D (Vozikis & Caranicolas) - PENED proposal
  • Star formation trigered by galactic interaction (Vilchez & Vozikis) - PENED proposal
  • Seyfert galaxies in the state of merging (Chatzichristou & Vozikis) - PENED proposal

    Simulation method and supporting codes...

    The method we are currently use is an N-body grid method using a Particle-Mech algorithm with smoothed potential solver. We have also created a variety of computer codes in order to visualise the results and to make as good as possible compartions with observational data.

    Computer facilities...

    The main computer facilities used in the project are three HP 9000/720 workstations with 32-48 Mb of RAM and some high performance PC's.
    Access to larger (faster) computers is also available.

    Observational data....

    Specific observational data, needed in some topics, can be obtained from...
  • Obs. de Marseilles - France
  • E.S.O. La Silla - Chili
  • I.A.C. Canary Islands - Spain
    If you have any questions, comments or inquires on the N-body simulation of galaxies project sent e-mail to Dr. Christos Vozikis at