Maritime Shipping

The Tradition ...

The people of Chios are intimately related to the deep, blue Aegean sea that surrounds the island. The origin of this co-existence is lost in the dust of centuries. The limited island and its poor natural resources could never imprison the bodies of its inhabitants, but it had always confined their minds and hearts. Sailors from the beginning of ages, Chiotes (people that originate from Chios) were always returning back home after months, years or decades of absence, carrying to their homeplace valuable experiences, wealth and an open-minded, cosmopolitan lifestyle. Their abilities in ship-building, nautical skills and sailing experience played a major role in the formation of a wealthy, strong Greek commercial (and military when required) fleet which, in recent years turned out to be the largest of the world. The price they had to pay was and is measured in human lives, more than any other place in Greece, of people who unequally fought with the anger of nature in oceans and seas in every corner of the world...

The above images have been obtained from the Nautical Museum of Inousses, Chios, Greece