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Observations And Results On Mt.Holomon

``Observing is Like Christmas ...Most of the Time is Cold and at the Same Time Like Home!!!''
Below follows all the observations that were contacted by me from 2004 to 2006 concerning Seeing, Scintilation and Isoplanatic Angle measurments. All observations were made with a 8-inch Vixen Visac telescope equiped with a hartmann mask and an SBIG ST4 CCD camera. The Hartmann mask had two holes of 5cm each with a separation of 10cm between them.

Table 6.1: SBIG ST4 CCD Camera Characteristics
Characteristic Value
A/D Converter 8 bits
A/D Gain $ 150e^{-}/ADU$
Read Noise $ 150e^{-}/RMS$
Pixel Digitization Rate 100 kHz
Pixel Size 13.75 x 16 microns
Dark Current $ 250e^{-}/pixel/sec$ at $ 0^{o}$C
Pixel Array 192 x 164 pixels, 2.6 x 2.6 mm

This System along with the ESO control and reduction software is the first H-DIMM unit of the Aristotle University of Thessloniki. A picture of the complete setup is shown at figure 6.1. Also at table 6.1 the properties of the SBIG ST4 CCD camera is shown.
Figure 6.1: The Vixen Telescope Along with the ST4 CCD Camera.
Image kn001003

The reduction of the data was made with new software that developed for this purpose. It is writen in C-shell and Fortran. The data was airmass corrected. Also this software made the statistical analysis. The diagrams were then produced with the help of Origin in the Windows operating system. For the scintilation measurments in the data obtained by the SSO DIMM, the values of intensity were computed by the camera control and aquisition software. This of course is not a problem, since i don't use absolute values but only relative.

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